Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I didn't realize that it was the live broadcast of Ms. Universe 2011 earlier until I had a short break around 9am. After that, I was never able to concentrate on the tasks I had for work. Funny how contagious my "becky" friends are when it comes to these things. We were doing a blow by blow on our emails while working. LOL :D

I was very interested when they told me that our participant for the pageant this year is a Magna Cum Laude of UP. I was thinking, "impressive, let's see what this girl can do". And she doesn't look bad either, good bet by the Philippines.

In fact, ASIAN bets for this pageant were beautiful this year, look at KOREA and THAILAND. Dang!

Thailand, Chanyasorn Sakornchan, is just gorgeous. What a beauty! ♥

Anyway, going back to Ms. Supsup, in all fairness, I felt like she fought her best. No booboos all throughout. With the Q&A though, i just thought it lacked something. I'm not saying it is wrong, I just thought she could do better.
American actress Vivica Fox asked Shamcey Supsup, “Would you change your religious beliefs to marry the person that you love? Why or why not?”
Supsup answered, “If I would have to change my religious beliefs, I would not marry the person that I love. Because the first person that I love is God, who created me.”
“I have my faith and my principles, and this is what makes me who I am. If the person loves me, he’ll love my God, too,” she added. (source)

I was kind of disappointed, I guess I expected a lot more from a Magna Cum Laude. Religion is a sensitive topic to touch, nevertheless, knowing that you're in an arena full of diverse religions, respect should be one of the things that she pointed out since her answer felt like she only pays respect to one God and it might be a bit proud to those very sensitive to their own religion. Just my two cents, I just think that without respect, nothing would work, not even friendship, more so, love. She did deserve much more than 3rd though, not necessarily the title, but something better than 3rd place.

BTW, USA's bet was just too thin for me, let her eat something please.

And lastly, KUDOS to ANGOLA for bagging the title. No further comments about her, just a job well done. : )

Pinoy Pride yo,

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