Thursday, August 18, 2011


So I kinda watched this new Disney teen flick since I didn't have anything better to do. It wasn't so bad, just what you would expect from a "prom" movie except it didn't focus on superficiality which made it a bit better. They were able to show the diversity of people and how prom really is for them. It was very predictable but very oh-i-know-how-it-felt at the same time and that makes their target market relate to their plot well.

If you're interested on what the movie is about, here's a little something I got from the web since I'm not in the mood to summarize it myself:
"Prom centers on about five different scenarios all wrapped up into one movie. The scenarios are a romance story between the class president and a ruffian, another love story between a dweeb and a beautiful sophomore, a small side story about a guy trying to get someone to come to a prom, another story of deceit and betrayal, and finally a story about an ideal relationship hitting a rocky course." (rgkarim)

Anyhooooo, this guy, Thomas McDonell, who played "Jesse" in the movie looks really HOT! His hotness created a "kilig" factor in this flick which made it watchable. Hoping for more roles for him in the future. He's like a Johnny Depp/Orlando Bloom cross breed. LOL : ) I can feel him getting far in this industry if they would give him more awesome roles. : )

My verdict? 3/5 stars. ★★★☆☆ Watchable but nothing great. : )

Oh, BTW, just a little leeway to another topic while I'm at this and it's almost midnight...
Happy 4th Anniversary HONEY!
I love thee to bits and pieces! ♥♥♥

Lots of lovin' and kisses,

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